Morena Block 99
MORENA BLOCK 99.tif MORENA BLOCK 99 N Lot 20, all of 21- Pennit tow. & F. Development Co. to build sin fam res & gar with 37' frontage on Hartford st. s-659 2-15-60 Lots 19 & s Lot 20- Pennit to W.& F. to build sin fam res & gar 37' frontage on Hartford St, Zone R-1. s-658 2-15-60 Lots 15-16- Pennit to Richard L, & Lois Allen to constr sin fam res with attach gar obs 15' SB on Hartford St. where 35' is required at 2302 Hartford St. Zone R-1. c-4481 10-21-61 Lots 22-24- Pennit to Everett & Beatrice Hernandez to install sink on ground floor of exist sin fam dwell at 2330 Hartford St. Zone R-1. AGREE #1172 5-11-62 Lots 6 & 7- ZA DENIED variance request of Michael & Jeannie Thomas as requested but APPROVED pedestrian walkway. 210" to 5 1 611 above grade with 3 1 0" safety railing above grade, subject to conditions. located at 2331 Galveston Street, Rl-5000 zone, West Glairemont Height Limit Zone. C-19936 05-27-88