Morena Acre Lot 126
MORENA ACRE LOT 126.tif p:,-aeP'i"!:f--',.-~.. ===--==-=,;;- \-."... ~-;1i::--;-~,;-',> " ~-~--... ...,,.. l I i;,. All Lot 126- Permit to Elmer G & Constance G Bechtel to er4tct &oper prlt stable (3 bare;.) l at Galveston & Gardena St s.. Res No 654 7-6-44 . i---.-----~--l j Lot-;;;-=-:;;;;;;-to J. A:-i:;.;:;~, o-wner & Midway Southern Baptist Church, pur to.;";;,n_st churchj i & educ bldg & playground, NE cor Galveston & Gardena, Cond'l.- '.: Res No 7419 6-27-53,j t---------------------------------.----------------------------------1 ~Lot 126- Permit to 1st Baptist Church of Bay Park,owner; & Truman B~own linter t prises,lessee, to ereot 41.x 4':f'reestanding sign back of SB trao, homes(.Tef:f'ree Heights) for l yr to expire 5-22-62, at 4608 Gardena Aft. WW corner Ilion St & Gardena, R-l. N.H. CASE 4,107-I 5-22-41 V-------------------------------------,,,,..-- ( 'f < 1 1 1; "\' j... "' ~ ~ ~ I I~ Lot 126- Permit to Robert M. Sutton, purch; First Baptist Church or Bay Park, owner to erec & maintain sing f'am res as model home with sales of'tice in gar on tentative Lot 12, Bq Park Manor; with 4' x 8 1 sign advert sales otf'ice, & to erect 2 tree-standing 81 x 8 signs, one on W cor or Gardena Ave. & Illlon St.., a one on E side of Galveston St., approx 350' lf ot Gardena Ave. (Lot. 126, Morena), advert. sale of homes in new subd tor a period of' l yr., on Lot 126, Morena (Tentatiff Lot. 12, Bq Parle Manor) on I side ot Galves- ton, approx 350' north of Gardena & NW cor ~ Ave. & Illion St.,, Zou R-l, coDCll. Case Jo. 4926 5/8/62 v/--------------------------------------