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Development Services

Montgomery Palisades #3 Card 1

MONTGOMERY PALISADES #3 CARD 1.tif MON'.OOOMERY PALISADES #3 CARD#J. "'2-- Lots 415 & 431- Permit DENIED to Shattuck Construction Co. to maint for a period not to exceed 1 yr, one 5' x 81 x 81 sign on Lot 415 & one 8 1 x 16 1 x 12' hi sign on Lot 431- advertising new homes for sale in adjoining subd. at 3702 & 3886 Palm Ave. Zone R-1-5. C-9339 N.H. ti i:=2=69- (c,- / &-,{, '?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOVE- APPEALED- Denied, Z,A, decision is sustained & affirmed. C-9339 8-lj-69 Lot 431- Z.A. considered appl for permission from J.R. Snattuck construction Co. to maint sales off & model tlome plus l dble-faced, 8 1 x 16', free-standing post mounted, ID sign, overall ht 14', advertising Candlelight Homes #7, where signs.are perm to be no closer than 200' from an eccupied dwelling unit not in tl:le same subd, max ht perm ill is 12' and all signs must be removed prior to the second anniversary of the recordation of the final subd map, sign to obs O' SB on Palm & Piccard Avenues, where 12' & 10' SB, respectively, have been estab at the NW cor of' Palm & Piccard Avenues, in the R-1-5 Zone and has APPROVED the req for sales off & Model aome but nas DENIED the req sign, but APPROVED a 4 1 x 8 1 sign in its stead, condl ~ 11 70-/- u (/0-/-70)..fd,,pC,:bi /0-1- 73(9_-2-i_-7:i...) C-9484 9-23-69 ~_____ r_o-.- 7:1. (;r-.t,.__- 7o L_(JO-:I-;l'p- '11,o- & 0)_____________________________________