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Development Services

Montclair Block D Card 1

MONTCLAIR BLOCK D CARD 1.tif MONTCLAIR BLOCK D Lot 30- Permit to c.L. Watson for dwelling SB 20' on Nile st. Res #53402 Card #1., 3-31-30 Lots 1-3- Permit to Rudolpn Oran & Margo E. Miller- Residence not closer to the P.L. on Bounda.ry,st, tnan O' Res #723o8 10-1-40-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 1-3 (W 50') Permit to Robert E. & Margo E. Miller to conduct a radio repair shop, part time at 3275 Boundary St. Cond'l. Res #670 7-20-44------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1-3- Ext of time (120 days) on above Res #670 Res #2359 7-2-47-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 33-34- Permit to Rudolph & Betty Sokolowski to erect duplex in addn to exist sin fam res, making 3 liv units at 32o6 Nile St. betw Tb.orn & Redwood Res #6591 7-9-52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bo 121 Lot 11, all Lot 12, 2 sin fam units or duplex, La Verta Baker-S-99 7-10-52 Lots 10-11 exc S 121, two sin fam units or duplex, ElL. Bredeson S-100 7-9-52 Lot 13 & Nly 6.25 1 Lot 14, Edor Bredeson to erect dup on parcel S-155 6-24-53 Lot 14, exc Nly 6.25 & Nly 12.5 Lot 15, Edor L. Bredeson to erect duplex- S-156 " Lot 15, Exe Nly 12. 5', all Lot 16, " 11 11 " " S-157 " Res. No. 7560, 7593, 7594, resp for Edor L. Bredeson to erect above duplexes witn 8 1 SB---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7:6:23____ Lot 17 & Not Lot 18.- Permit to Verner A. & Angeline Seaman to constr res with 6' SB, E side Boundary, betw Tb.orn & Redwood Ste. Res #89.95 1-5-55 Lot 13 & 6.25' of Lot 14- Permit to Edor L. Bredeson to constr res with 6 1 SB, E side of Boundary St between Redwood & Thorn St. Res #8696 1_5_55