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Mission Viillage # 3 Card 1

MISSION VIILLAGE # 3 CARD 1.tif 1,..,,,,. ' MISSION VILLAGE NO. 3 CARD ill Lot 115- Z. A. considered app of Robert & Joyce Fagan to maintain exist 4'-5" high masonry wall encroaching 15 1 into required 15 1 SB where max 3 1 high wall is pezm at 1975 Harton Rd., Zone R-1-5 and has DffiIED the req to maintain exist 4,_5n high masonry wall but APPROVED the maintenance of the wall to a max ht of 3'-4" except that the per of the wall paralleling the driveway & extending from front p.l. to pedestrian stairway shall be sta.irstepped up from a ht of 3'-4" to the 4'-5", Case No. 7467 11/15/65-------------------------------------- Lot 241- Z.A. nas considered tne request of Donald E. & Elizabetn Davis to maintain exist sunsnade structure obs at closest point a O' interior sideyard, wnere 4' is req, at 9045 Ronr Pl betw Larkin Place and end of cul-de-sac. Zone R-l-5p nad nas DENIED tne applicatio as req, but APPROVED sunsnade structure to obs 3' interior sideyard wnere 4' is required.__ f~_!/.... 3-J.J)______________________ c-11281____________________ 6-23-12_____ Lot 263- DENIED req of Raymond & Rosanne Robinson to maint 10' x 20' carport to exist fam dw, carport obs O' SY where 4 1 is req, 3062 Mobley St betw Shep & Earhart Sts, Zone R-1-5. C-11383 8-9-72 Lot 280_ fermit to Jack & Jean Douglas to construct 20' x 17' f~~ly room addn to existing sin fam dwell; addn to obs 1 l8' rear yd where 29 is req, and fireplace to obs a 16' rear yd where 18 is req, at 3111 Skipper St. betwn Earhart and Shep Stree&,,Zone R-1-~ 3-8-74 C-12,491 N.H.--------------------------------------------------------------