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Development Services

Mission Hills #2 Card 3

MISSION HILLS #2 CARD 3.tif.:.___.,.,.....,,,,...........--......... fllSSION HILLS #2 CA~D #3 Lot 2 & South 2 ft. of Lot 3- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Paul S. & Alice Blume to construct a garage addition to existing single-family dwelling; addition to (I) observe 0 1 front yard at closest point and 8-1/2 1 front yard at south property line where 15' is required; (2) observe 1-1/2 1 interior side yard where 4 1 is required, at 4486 Hortensia Street, Zone R~l-5/R-1-40 (HR). Conditions. CASE 16468 2-21-80 r.ot 3- ZA APPIDVED amendm:mt to case No. 16468 dated. 2/21780 to PAUL s. & mCE BUMI!: to maintain a 260 sq. ft. addition to a single-family dwelling observing a 3'-0" side yard where 4'-0" is required; located at 4486 Hortensia Street, Rl-5000 zone. Conditions. C-16468 6-6-90 Por. Lots 7 & 8- ZA APPROVED Variance request of DR. MARK KATZ AND NAOMI KARTIN to maintain a reconstructed, double-car garage on a lot with a single-family dwelling obs. a O' street side yard abutting Hortensia Street where 10' is required (previously existing garage observed a 0 I street side yard), located at 2206 Pine Street, Rl-5000 Zone. Conditions. C-20886 1/3/92