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Mission Beach Block Resub Of 170 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK RESUB OF 170 CARD 1.tif,,--~------...._.,.:;~-'... "'-, '...-.,,,;-,, ' ' MlSSION BUCH. l:lESUB OF m.octe170 Card # l ~ flu' s Lot T & 0 all of 6- Permit to A. Marassi to replace a porch which was recently to~ down at 3676 Bayside Wk, provided it does not extend beyond the line of the previous porch & is glassed in. Res. 1148 10-25-45---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots l & 2- The z.A. considered the amended app of Rondald J. Mix to const 1-unit, 4- story apt bldg obs 0' SB on Bayside Ln & 8'1" SB on Bayside Wk; obs 5' st side yd on Santa Clara Pl & 5' side ydon Sly side of par; covering 6&f. of the lot; open air park obs 6 distance from curb on Bayside Ln & 0' distance from front p.l.; to furnish land- scaping in rear of apts in lieu of req landscaping betw front of bldg & front p.l. where 8 st side yd & 6 1 side yd & 6CY1, cover is req & where l' SB from Bayside Lne & 10' SB from Bayside Wk is req a where no parking within 18' of the burb & in no case less than 3' from front p.l. is perm at SE cor of Bayside Ln & Santa Clara Pl., Zone R-4 & has DENIED the 5' side yd on the Sly side & 8'1" SB on Bayside Wk but APPROVED all other portions of the requests. c-6797-99 11-17-64 Lots 1 & 2- to Ronald J. Mix to maint a 7 unit, 4 story apt bldg obs 9'6" SB from Bayside Wk where a 10' SB is estab (See C-6797-99) at Bayside Ln., the SE cor inte~ section.with Santa Clara Ft. in the R-4 zone. C-7362 9-3-65