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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 99 Card 2

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 99 CARD 2.tif,. ' MISSION EIEACH BLOCK 99 CARD No. Lot R- Perm to Jerry J. Schwartz to erect 3 units w/3' access; Island Ct. ' Res No 6248 3-5-52, Lot E- Perm to Robt. F. & Jimmie Marie Rood to constr duplex w/8' access ct at 833 Isthmus Ct; Zone R-4. Case No. 282 ll-4-55------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot R- Perm to Jerry J. &Marjorie L, Schwartz to constr storage rm addn a.bove exist ~ garage attach to noncon:form bldg obs 3' access ct; 836 Island Ct; Zone R-4; Agreement to be signed will not be convert to 4th living unit. Case No. 377 4-2-56------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot R- Jerry J. & Marjorie L. Schwartz to constr storage rm addn above exist garage,,which is attach to nonconform bldg obs 3' access ct where 10' req. Agreement #876 4-2-56 Lot V- Perm to constr duplex obs a1.1 yd req but result in 5~ coverage where 5o;, perm; 820 Island Ct betw Mission Blvd & Bayside Lane; Zone R-4; DENIED req 5~ but APPROVED 58~ (not exceed); Condl.; to Van V. & Marcia W, Hughes. Case No. 8888 10-2-68-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot T- Permit DENIED to Eldon & Monique Barnes for perm to constr a twe-story, 2 unit and gar addn on lot witb exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs an 8 1 rear yard, where 10' is req, and O' interior sideyard, wnere 3' is req;;tnree parking spaces in gar to have 17 1811 turnaround, where min 20' is req, and addn to result in 6';:!fo as amended lot cov, where 50 i is perm. at 826 Island Court betw Mission Blvd. & Bayside Lane.R-4-Zone c-10316 2-17-71