Mission Beach Block 96 Card 3
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 96 CARD 3.tif MlSSIOR BEACH CARD#2 Lot Q- Permit to A.;L. & Nita Turnipseed to erect a double-faced, 3 '2" illuminated r, "> m sign attacn to face of bldg below roof line and to obs 11 '10" SB in front, wriere ~. 15' baa been eatab (exist root sign to be removed), at 744 Ventura Place betw Strandway an4 Mission Blvd. Zone C. Con4'L C-lo6o4 7-16-71 Lota P & Q- Permit to AMENDED request of A.L. & Nita Turnipseed to constr a two-story addn to exist two-story noncomf'orming bar and four units above; addn to consist of game room add1 to bar and two- two car carports on ground floor I and two bedroan unit above, resulting in 621, lot coverage wnere 5~ is perm, at 744 Ventura Pl betw Strandway and Mission Blvd. Zone c. Cond'l. c-11166 5-12-72 Lots P and Q- Permit DENIED by ZA to A. L. AND NITA TURNIPSEED, owners; LINDA AND JOHN ' RENNA, lessees, to establish an outdoor dining area observing an 8'-0" setback on Ventura Pl ace where a 15'-0" setback is required, located at 744 Ventura Pl ace, Zone- S ubarea VC-S. (MISSION BEACH PLANNED DISTRICT). C-18403 5-18-84 Lot A- ZA has APPROVED the variance request of SILVA G. MISSLER,OWNER; LUIGI PELLICCIA, LESSEE- To maintain an outdoor dining area observing a 0'-0" front yard where 15'-0" front yard is required- located at 3210 Mission Blvd,VC-S zone,Map 1651. w/conditions. C-19734 1/22/88