Mission Beach Block 8 Card 6
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 8 CARD 6.tif. MISSION BEACH BLOCK 8 06f f.,5f s C~rd. /16 I Lot J- ZA APPROVED with conditions the amendment sought by Jack Huntamer, Jr. & Elois Huntamer to (1) maintain an existing second-story deck and railing observing a 5 1 1111 yard on Ocean Front Walk where 10 1 011 is required and (2) to cinstruct 31 1 5" of 6 1 0" high, solid fence observing a O'O" yard adjacent to Ocean Front Walk where a 310" high, solid fence is the maximum permitted, located at 2626 Strandway, R-S Subdistrict, MBPD, Coastal zone. c-16149 4-7-89 Lot K- CASE TABLED- Previous variance cases C-7795 & C-7796 will be amended for said property, located at 2623 Ocean Front Walk, R-S zone. C-20200 12-28-88 Lot O- ZA APPIDVED request of JOHN H. MEI'Z AND LEE ANNE MEI'Z, to maintain (1) an existing, second-story deck observing a 0'-0" yard adjacent to Ocean Front Walk (uninproved) where 10'-0" is required; (2) 51'-4" of existing 8 1-8 11 high, solid fence observing a 0'-0" yard adjacent to Ocean Front Walk or max. o '-9" encroaclnrent into public right-of-way (unirrproved: where 10'-0" is required; and (3) 10'-0" of an existing 8'-8" high, solid fence observing a 0'-0" side yard at the closest point where 3'-0" is required, located at 2605 Ocean Front walk, R-S zone, Mission Beach Planned District. w/conditions C-20686 12/2l)90