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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 8 Card 5

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 8 CARD 5.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK /18 Ot> llt,51 S CARD #5 5,:l. Lot'G- ZA APPROVED with conditions the variance sought by SHIRLEY J. & RICHARD J. HERRMAN to maintain an existing second-story deck and railing observing a 7'0" front.. yard at the closest point where 101 0" is required, and to maintain a 5 1 011 high, solid fence observing a O'O" front yard where a 3 1011 high, solid fence is the maximum height permitted within.the 10' O" required yard adjacent to Ocean Front Walk, located at 2636/38 Ocean Front Walk,.'R-S zone. C-20039 09-30-88 Lot K- ZA APPROVED with conditions the variance sought by Woodbury L. & Marilyn J. Grover to amend C-7795 and C-7796 dated August 5, 1966 which approved a second-story, walking deck observing a 71 011 front yard where 10'0" is required; currently requesting to maintain an existing (1) second-story deck and railing observing a 21 0" front yard where a 10 1 011 front yard is required and (2) a third story deck and railing observing an 81 0" front yard where 10 1011 is required, located at 2623 Ocean Front Walk, R-S zone, Coastal Zone. C-7795 & 7796 2-10-89 Lot N- ZA DENIED request*of FRANK & JEAN MARTIN, but APPROVED request to maintain a 2nd story deck observing a 0'-0'' yard on oncean Front Walk at 2609-11 Ocean Front Walk, R-S Subdistrict, Mission Beach Planned District, Coastal Zone, Prop. '' ''Height Limitation zone, with conds. C-10244*Amendment 3-10-89