Mission Beach Block 8 Card 4
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 8 CARD 4.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK# 8 OOIC,51 S CARD#,_5/ Lot A- Za has decided no Var is needed at 2663 Ocean Front Walk, Map 1651. C-19984 7/5/88 Lot 1- ZA DENIED as requested the variance sought by Ralph L. Ullum but APPROVED (1) to maintain 8'0" of 5'4" high, solid combination wall and solid fence within the required front yard observing a O'O" front yard at the closest point; (2) to maintain 42'7" of solid fence 3' O" in height within the public right-of-way along Ocean Front Walk; and (3) to construct a 5'4'' solid fence along the westerly property line, subject to conditions, located at 2629 Ocean Front Walk, R-S (Residential-South) Mission Beach Planned District, Coastal Zone, Proposition "D" Height Limitation Zone. C-20010 10-14-88 EOT until 01-13-89 Lot H- ZA APPROVED a request of GERARD J. & ANDREA E. YABLONICKY to maintain a 2nd story deck observing a 3'-1'' yard adjacent to Ocean Front Walk; & a 5'-9'' high fence observing a 0'-0'' yard at the closest point adjacent to Ocean Front Walk,located at 2633 Ocean Front Wk., MBPD, RS Subdistrict, Coastal Zone, Prop. "D'' Ht. Limitation Zone with conds. C-20101 11/18/88