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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 59 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 59 CARD 1.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 59 e CARO#! l7 Lot H- Permit to Chas P. & Susan English to erect 4 liv units on lot, portion served by 6 1 access ct on S. side of San Fernando Pl. 60' E. of Mission Blvd. Res.#5348 2-21-51 Lots F & G- Permit to Wm E. & Ella Sage, owners, & Harry W. Beum, purch to erect 2 4 unit apt bldgs, 6 anits served by 7' access, San Fernando Pl. Res.#6278 3-5-52 Lot E- Permit to Walter H. & Dora Gehrman to erect 3 uni ts & gar with 6 1 611 access for I unit, and 3' access for 2 units, San Fernando Pl. Res.#6263 3-5-52 f Lot N- P~rmit to Edwin R. Applegate, owner & Myron Kaminar purch to erect triplex, 2 units on 6 1 access, I on 3' access, approx 95' W. of Bayside Ln on N. side of Ensenda Ct. cond'I. Res.#6639 7-23-52 / Lot H- Permit to Gilbert S. & Mary E. Hardon to const apt over gar att to exist sin fam res cov 62% aai of lot (60"/o perm) 809 San Fernando Pl., Zone C. Case#3055 1-12-60 Lots I & J- Permit to Mr. Parker M. Jac.kson to const a 4 story commercial and apt J bldg with commercial uses on the 1st fir and apts on the 2nd, 3rd & 4th firs, bldg to obs all yd req but result in approx 80% cov where 70"/o is perm at the 800 blk of San Fernando Pl., at the SE intersec with Mission Blvd., Zone e, cond 1 1. Case#8298 9-8~67