Mission Beach Block 55 Card 2
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 55 CARD 2.tif BLOCtC'55- Card/I?,- ~ Lot M- Z.A. has considered the request of Bell & Winkler, owners, and Messrs, Robert Ziegler & c. Mueller, purchasers, for perm to const a triplex obs all yards but resulting in approx 591, coverage where 5of. is perm, at 738 Dover Court betw Strand Way & Mission Blvd., ~-4 Zone, and has DENIED the appl as presented, but APPROVED approx 5&1, coverage, as shown on the revised plans, including improved vehicular access by recessing the supporting post one additional foot, as shown on the revised plans. c-10259 l-20-71 Lot Q- Permit to Wallace Featheringill as amended for permission to constr a one-unit, second-floor addn to exist duplex, addn to result in 621, lot coverage, where 61.2~ exists and where 5 <:11, coverage is perm; in the;700 Block of Dover Court betw Strand Way and Mission Blvd. Zone R-4. condl. C-10281 2-3-71------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot O- Z.A. bu couiclered tbe req of.Arool.4 and Gloria Roeenberg to COU1tr a one-unit eecon4 tloor adtln to elCiet ein t tlwell, addn to reault in approx m cov, Wbere ~ exietl and por of tairvay to ob 12' tl'Ollt ya, wtaere 1.5' 1 req, aD4 to use nut two-car gar vbicb provide aa. 18'10" turnarounc1, vbere 21' la req, at 730 Dover Ct, betv Strandva,y anti Mi ion Blvd. Zone R-4, and bu DDIJCD tae requetea tront ya variand, but APFROUD tbe balance ot tbe application. c-10538 6-1771--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot P- DENIED permit to CHARLES E. MILLER (1) to construct 2nd story apt unit to existing sgle fam dwelling w/balconY. of newer unit obs a 13'6" frnt yd where 15' is req, but APPROVED or,en type cantileverea balcony proj not more than I'; APPROVED (2) 59"/o lot covge where 50% perm (exist covge 52.5% C-3995); (3) APPROVED 3 offst park spces at rear w/a 19 1611 aisle where 21' aisle for 90parking is req; subj to 2 conds. 726 Dover Ct betw Strandway & Mission Blvd.- Map 1809, Zone R-4, C-ll 370 7-28-72