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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 4

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 4.tif MISSION BEACH Lot C.~ Permit to John D, Butler to hi, 3 1 side yard (4 1 req,); Bayside BLOCK 4 constr duplex w/52% Walk betw Aspin and Case No. 950 coverage, 3 stories Anacapa Ct.,; R-2 1-4-57 Lot A- ZA DENIED variance request of ROBERT AND MARTHA TICKLE, OWNERS OF 831 ANACAPA COURT; ANDREW AND PEGGY ANDREOTTI, OWNERS OF 837 ANACAPA COURT, to maintain (2) landscaping of approx. 24% of the 15 1-0'' required yard abutting Anacapa Court where a min. of 50% is required; and (3) landscaping of approx. 8% of the 10 1-0" required yard abutting Bayside Walk where a min. of 50% is required, but APPROVED (1) parking in the yard abutting Anacapa Court where parking is not permitted in the 15 1-0 11 req. yard; (2) landscaping 49% abutting Anacapa Court; and (3) landscaping 25% abutting Bayside Walk, located at 831-837 Anacapa Court, R-S Zone, Mission Beach Planned District, Coastal Zone, Coastal Height Limitation Zone. Conditions. C-20818 8-16-91