Mission Beach Block 248 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 248 CARD 1.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 248 CARD #1 Lot G- Permit to W.A. Lane to build al unit addn to an exist 2 unit court at 738 Zanzibar Ct., with a 3' sideyd on one side, a 4' sideyd on the other side & the new unit fronting on the street. Res. 936 5-10-45-------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots K & L- Permit to '!'hos E. Stotler to const 700 sq ft gar with 0' side yd, Strandway, Zanzibar Ct. & Santa Rita Pl, Res. 7646 8-5-53 Lots K & L- Permit to T.E. Stotler to const 2 unit apt above exist gar, apt to obs 0' side yd, the same as garage at 3989 Strand.way, condl Res. 9019 T-6-55 Lot F- Permit to Steve & Charlene Meaner to constr sin fam dwell & detached gar, gar to obs 0' side yd (3' req) overall cover 551' (50C,, perm) obs req._SB on Santa Rita Pl., zanzibar Ct., Zone R-4.- C-2299 2-13-59 Ext of time to exp 2-24-60 (9-10-59) Lot F- Permit to Steve & Charlene Mesner to const sin fam dwell covering 55~ of lot where 50C,, cov is perm; dwell to obs all other yd req & SB req at 740 Zanzibar Cr., Zone R-4 C-5571 4-1-63 6 mos ext to exp 4-l-64(owner is now Leuer)