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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 220

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 220.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 220 Lot E- Permit DENIED to Mortgage Ins. Corp. to operate restaurant in R-4 Zone; 72.8 Toula.n Ct. Res. 38695 1-26-34-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot B- Permit to Ronald D. & Pamela Rosado and Roy & Diane Carlson, o.,,n to constr sin- fam dwel 1 (1) to obs 8' rear yd where 15' is req; (2) to obs 10' frt yd where 15' is req; (3 to result in 61% coverage where maximum 50% is permitted and (4) to provide 18' turning rad ius where 21' is req for 90 degree parking spaces at 723 Vanitie Ct., Zone R-4 Conditions A,..,e_,,clecl l-l'f-77 c-13,773 8-31-76--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot A- AGREEMENT to JOHN G. AND PAM M. DONNELLEY to construct single-family residence with bedroom and bath at entry level, at 727 Vanitie Court, Zone RN. (MISSION BEACH PLANNED DISTRICT). AGREEMENT #2653 3-27-81