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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 212 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 212 CARD 1.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 21.2 Lots.A & B- Permit to Gordon & Clementina Turner to constr 3-story, 4-unit apt bldg w/garage, covering 100~ of ground & apts covering approx 79~ of lot (70~ perm); SW corner Tangiers Ct & Mission Blvd; Zone "C". Case No. 2953 11-27-59-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot H- Permit to W. C. & Grace Malotte to maintain 9' x 10' aluminum roofed patio obs 5' setback from Sunset Ct, where average of blk (15') is req; 718 Sunset Ct, Zone R-4. Case No. 4287 8-10-61--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot G- Permit to Louis and Renee Feinswog to const a three-story sfd to: (1) obs a 10' front yard; l2) obs 3 1 interior side yard on both sides; (3) obs a 10'6" rea~ yard; and (5) res in 57% lot coverage. 722 Sunset Court. Zone R-4. Approved 50% landscaping. C-15425. 11-3-78. Cn/;{-,o,-s,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots A & B- BZA DENIED request of MARY MCCANN, owner; PROFESSIONAL PROPER- TIES, lessee- to (1) convert existing duplex into commercial (retail/office) building with one parking space observing 2'-10" yard adjacent to Tangiers Court where 10'-0" yard is required and 2 parking spaces substandard 8'-6" X 17.9'-0" and 8'-6" X 17'-0" where 8'-6" X 20'-0" is required; (2) maintain existing curb cut from Mission Blvd. where access shall not be off Mission Blvd, 727 Tangiers Court, Zone NCN Mission Beach Planned Dist.. C-19003 3/5/86