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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 20 Card 4

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 20 CARD 4.tif- MISSION BEACH BLOCK 20 00/1,,6/-.S A fj CARD 'P'f LOt 1- ZA has DENIED the request of THOMAS & JEANNE WRIGHT. at 748 Avalon Court, Map 180J Mission Beach Planned Dist., Rs zone. C-19900 4/5/88 Lot K- ZA APPROVED pennit for GEORGE LUIKEN to construct a third-story addition to an existing, nonconfo:aning, three-story duplex not observing the current 45 degree side setbacks required for bldg. walls exceeding 20'-0" in height; said addition having 1) one do:r:ner encroaching into said 45 degree, east, side setback; and 2) one donner en- croaching into said 45 degree, west side setback; located at 740 and 7401/2 Avalon Ct, coastal Zone, Prop "D" Height Limitation Zone. conditions. C-20488. 2-2-90