Mission Beach Block 194 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 194 CARD 1.tif,,.,.. MISSION BEACH C, ~ ,._, BLOCK 194- Lots D & E exc Sly 25' & por alley cld adj to Lot E- Permit to Clifford c. & Virginia A. Francisco to remove exist dwell & const 2 story sin fam dwell with att gar; dwell to obs 6 1 front yd on Bayside Wk wbere 15' is req & result in approx 62.~ cover wnere max 50i is perm at 3788 Bayside Wk betw Rockaway Ct. & San Jose Pl., Zone R-4. 1 yr ext to exp 4-26-69 (4-25-68) no ext 4-69 c-8099 4-26-67---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots C, F & South 25 1 of Lots D & E- Permit APPROVED by ZA to TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, owner; BOMCO, A General Partnership, purchaser, to maintain tandem parking (8 1 X 40 1) on Lot F for an existing dwelling on the South 25 1 of Lots D & E to the east, where parking must be on the same lot as the use and have direct access to a dedicated public right of way, at,832 and 836 Rockaway Court, Zone RN. (MISSION BEACH PLANNED DISTRICT). Conditions. BZA- APPEAL DENIED, ZA's decision upheld, conditions on the Conditional Use Permit, CUP 17334 8-14-81 adopting his finding of facts, limitations and 9-16-81