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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 184

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 184.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 184 Lots H, I, R, S- Build tow/in 2' of prop lines; Granted J.M. Asher. Res. 56501 5-25-31------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots F, G, H, & I- Permit to Bayside Lane Co., to const a co11J11ercial bldg on the ground floor with a 2-story duplex above; duplex to obs O' st sd yd on Mission Blvd., a 10' fy on Queenstown Court and an 81 reary4 from center line of alley at the southeast corner of Mission Blvd. and Queenstown Ct. Zone CS. Condition. 2-23-77. 4 C-14lj6.--------------------------------------------------------------' C- ""-'-'i::'77"'-- s-:L-zz_____