Mission Beach Block 178 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 178 CARD 1.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 178 Card Ill a < Lots E & F- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Ralph K. Fogerty &Mr. Afify Sbaieb to adj lot lines a distance of approx 5'- 6 1 betw Lots E & F, as shown on plat; 846 Portsmouth Ct, SE corner Bayside Lane; Zone R-4; where multiple dwells, apt houses & limited Dr's offices & dentist's offices are perm; Condl. Case No. 6120 11-13-63 Por Lot A- Permit to Ralph K. & Margaret Fogerty to constr 3' x 9' deck addn to exist single fam res; deck addn to obs 4 1 front yd where 15' req & result in 76i coverage where 73i exists & '50i penn; Zone R-4; Condl; 3732 Bayside Walk betw Pismo Ct & Portsmouth Ct. Case No. 8961 11-18-68 Por Lot F, Lots D & E- Permit to M.r:. & Mrs. Ralph K, Fogerty at N.W. Corner Portsmouth Ct. at Bayside Walk, Zone R-N to contr.a 3"."story, 26 1 611 high, 2-unit apt bldg (1) stairs to obs 8 1 setback with fireplace obs 9' setback from Portsmouth Ct (2) portion of bldg to obs an 8 1 611 setback on, Bayside Walk, with addn setback beginning 20' above grade and sloping back at a 45 degree angle. Condit. C-15877 8/10/79-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEE CARD ii 2