Mission Beach Block 137 Card 3
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 137 CARD 3.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 137 0 Card #3 fO Lot C- Permit to Orionna Mattfield approved by Board of Zoning Appeals to maintain 34'7" high wrought Iron fence on top of high block wall obs O' front setback at 3460 Bayside Wa I k, Zone R-4. c-15705 4/27/79 Lot D- Permit DENIED by ZA to ALAN R. & CLAUDIA THOMAS to convert existing three-unit building to single-family dwelling and add two stories of new living area; portion of addition to: (1) observe O' interior side yard where 5' is required; (2) observe 9'-911 front yard on Bayside Walk where 10' is established; (3) change pitch of roof on existing family room which observes a O' setback on Liverpool Court where 15 1 is required; and (4) maintain one parking space in yard on Liverpool Court where 100"/o of yard is required to be landscaped, at 3450 Bayside Walk, Zone R-S. (MISSION BEACH PLANNED DISTRICT).,_ (lr-,._, C-J]246 C, 6-5-8] Bi 7.-, f\- rf Pi'-:8: \ 4;E:bJ, c o. 1-A,) f))-c"J: u