Mission Beach Block 122 Card 2
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 122 CARD 2.tif-3(,.. MISSION BEACH BLOCK 122 CARD4/2 Lot D- Permit to Dr. C. Jack and Jean Bark (1) to construct two-car gar and carport obs O' interior side yard and O' front yard on Bayside Lane where 4' and 15' are req; (2) to add two-bedroom unit above to obs O' front yard on Bayside Lane where 15' is req; (3) to maintain existing carport obs O' street side on Kingston Court and 5' front yard on Bayside Lane where 10' and 15' is required; (4) to construct fireplace on existing nonconforming, two-story, sin faro dwell which now obs 3' interior side yd; fireplace to obs l'-6" side yard where fireplaces may be no closer than 3' from side property line; (5) to eliminate landscaping along Bay- side Lane where a min of 342 sq. ft. of landscaping is req, at 3374 Bay- side Walk between San Luis Place and Kingston Cours, Zone R-4- Cond'l. ~-12,570 5-10-74 Lot C- Permit to Dan L. Leadlay to const 26'x29'2" second-story bedrm and bath addn to exs sfd on lot with exs unit. Addn to obs a 2 1 611 interior side yard on the south and a 3' interior side yard on the north and to res in 55% lot coverage. 3380 iap~ Bayside Walk. Zone R-4. Condition. C-15078. 6-15-78,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot A- Permit was considered by ZA to JAMES HURLEY to demolish existing garage with I-bedroom apartment above and (1) construct new garage with 2 bedrooms and bath above to (2) observe a 3 1 interior.sideyardwhere5 13" is required (10"/4of lot width); and (3) to maintain existing parking in 15 1 setback on San Luis OBispo Place where 100"/4 of all required yard shall be landscaped aft, at 3392 Bayside Walk, Zone R- S. (MISSION BEACH PLANNED DISTRICT). DECISION: DENIED as requested but APPROVED. Conditions. C-17244 6-5-81