Mission Beach Block 108 Card 2
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 108 CARD 2.tif---.--.--"J.-.. BLOCK lo8 Card No. 2 U[-X' Lot F- Mark M. Saunders & Katherine Saunders to assist in complying w/Ci ty Zoning req U\by provid distance of 20' betw dwell across an alley..Agreement #488 9-20-47-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot S- The Z.A. considered the request of C,E. & Margery Klein to constr one-story bedroom and bath addn to exist studio res on lot witb. exist two car gar and an apt above; addn to (1) obs a 4' street side yard on Strandway where 61 is req (2) stairs to sun deck to obs 3' int side yard where 4 1 is req (3) addn to result in 60.5~ lot cov wb.ere 6(1/, is perm (4) to erect 88 1 of 6 1 higb. solid wood fence obs a 9' front yard wb.ere 15' is req and al' street side yard where 6 1 is req; prop is located at 716 Jamaica Court betw Strandway and Mission Blvd , Zone R-4 and has (l) APPROVED (2) APPROVED (3) APPROVED (4) DENIED as rea but APPROVE 61 hi fence along Strandway and APPROVED an 8 1 long 61 high screen.. C-12922 12-20-74------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot K- ZA DENIED request for variance by MERCEDES and ASTRID DIAZ to maintain the following, currently in violation: (1) staircase and porch observing a 2'-10'' west side yard where 3 1-0" is required; (2) eave projection obsv. 2'-2'' side yard where 2'-6'' is required; (3) three compact parking spaces where four are required; (4) said parking spaces being 100% compact (7'-6'' x 15'-0'') where 50% compact is the max. permitted; and (5) 0% landscaping where a min, of 50% is required in the front yard, located at 752-758 Jamaica Zourt, R-S Zone, Mission Beach Planned District, Coastal Zone and Coastal Height Limitation Zone. C-20739 6/7/91