Mission Beach Block 105 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 105 CARD 1.tif. ~--c-:~- MlSSlOlf BEACH tl,j} Card 1/,1 Lot C- Permit to Ruth M. Crie, own & Wm. D. Crie, purch to constr gar, having 2 street "'- fro~tages, gar to have O' sideyd on N side, Bayside Wk betw Jamaica ct. & Isthmus Ct., BLOCK 105 Zone R-4, condl C-924 12-21-56 Lot B- Permit to Daniel G. McKinney to const addns, combining rn & duplex, making a total of 2 liv units instead of exist 3, with 601, cover (5a,, perm) at 3264 Bayside Wk, Zone R-4 C-1511 11-8-57 Lot C- Permit to Wm. P. & Liah D. Hand to remove por of exist att gar so as to obs all yd req & const second liv unit on second floor result in 2 liv units on lot obs all yd req but result in 56.S5i cover where 50,. perm at g255 Bayside Ln betw Jamaica Ct. & Isthmus ct., Zone R-4. c-6804 12-18-64 Lot A- Permit to Pacifico Homes to const 4 story, 6 unit apt bldg encroaching l' into req 6 1 side yd & covering 621,-of the lot where 601, is perm at 3266 Jamaica Ct., SE cor "-- Jamaica Ct. & Bayside Lane, Zone R-4, condl. C-7511 12-2-65 Lot 105- AGREEMENT #9o6 to Ruth M. Crie & Wm.D. Crie to const a gar obs O' yd on the N '-side, where 3' is req- See C-924 12-21-56 A-9o6 12-31-56