Mission Beach Block 102
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 102.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 102 ~. /Lots C & D- Pennit to Greenman Investment Co. to erect 2-stall garage & laundry nn bldg 20' x 30' w/no side yd on No; 3236-50 Strandway. Res. No, 1308 1-31-46'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot B- Permit to Lewis and Renee and Alfred & Inge Feinswog, Owners, and Louis M. and Elizabeth G, Sands, purch to constr a 4-unit apt bldg providing req parking spaces in front on Strandway(l) Parking to obs O' front yd, where 3' from prop line and 18' from curb line is req.(2) Resulting in 52'1, coverage, where 5CJ1, is perm; (3) Eliminating req 136 sq. ft. landscaping; at 3200 Blk Ocean Front Walk betw Jamaica Court and Isthmus Court. Zone R-4. c-10497 N.H. 5-5-71