Mirador #3 Card 2
MIRADOR #3 CARD 2.tif MIRADOR #3 CARD #2 Lot 529- Permit DENIED to Paul L. Goldberg to maintain 31 ft of 6 ft. lligll solid wood fence observing O' street side yard on Camino Ruiz wnere max 3' fence is perm in required lO~and 15' street side yard, at 8337 Santa Arminta betw Camino Ruiz and Surco Dr, Zone R-1- Appealed-Granted-Z.A. overruled (3-8-73) C-11752 N.H. 1-12-73 5-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 549- Permit DENIED to Jonn & Patricia Cadwallder to erect 31' of solid wood fence 6 1 lligll obs a 10' street side yard where a max 3' lligll fence is perm in a 20' rear yd within 15' of treet side yard prop line, at 11441 Surco Dr, NE cor Surco Dr and Santa Arminta Ave Zone R-1-5. c-11682 11-27-72 Appealed- Appeal GRANTED and the decision of tile Z.A. be & nereby is, overruled and modified to permit constr of a 6 1 hi fence obs a 10' street sideyd extending to a point 5' from rear prop line and then continuing at an angle of 45 degrees inward to a point 15' back from side street prop line at tile rear prop line. C- 11682 l-16-73 Lot 293- Permit DENIED to Greg and Pamela Hanmond to const a resid patio addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs all yrds but result in approx 42% coverage where a max 40% is perm; at 11325 Surco Do betwn Calle Pino and Zapata Ave. Zone R-1-5 C-11,925 N.H. 4-23-73----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 293- Appealed o Board by GREGORY & PAMELA HAMMOND- Appeal GRAN'lED and decision of Assist Z.A. be and hereby is overruled and the appellant's appeal is sustained. c- 11925 6-26-73----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------