Mira Mesa Crest Card 2
MIRA MESA CREST CARD 2.tif MIRA MESA CREST s Z-7.,- \ 7'Z 1 Lot,3- Permit to Pardee Construction Co. to convert unit into a temporary sales office. AGREE #AC-97 6/19/78-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 7-9- Permit to Pardee Construction Company to (I) construct seven model homes on Lot 9, one to be used as a temporary sales office; (2) to erect a temporary II 'xl4' (154 sq. ft.) x 19'-high ground sign to obs a 5' street side yard on Camino Ruiz; (3) to erect seven temporary 2.25 sq. ft. model ID ground signs throught the model complex and a temporary 20 sq. ft. w~ll sign N; (4) to erect 1252' of 6 1-high solid wall to obs a O' front yard on Westmore Road and a O' street side yard on Camino Ruiz. NE corner of Westmore Road and Camino Ruiz. R-2A Zone, Conditions. C-15256 NH. 6-22-78. Amendment, Ex.tension of Time 9-11-79- (.C-152~6 NH) (Above Case) (V (yyp.,ro J., g d- lli 1cN1? \- ~ Ah-a,tl 44:clpY\&,-' C\-3o- ~ D. \ D- 3D. 1 e,y_-/_ if'~ t,;, '\_.(_,--''-1--f. 9- 3 o-~ \ \,\ ~- I 3 ' C)) CJit. ot ~ ~- q-~- '& ~,J- '2.. ~- g, ~)