Middletown Block 93
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 93.tif Ml DDLETOWN BLOCK 93 Lot 12 and Por 01 ive Street closed- Permit to 01 ive Bay Associates to canst a 4-unit four-story condominium to obs a 7' interior side yard and an 18' rear yard at 2768 Colum- bia Street. R-2A Zone. Condition. C-14927 NH. 2-15-78. Lots I and 2- Permit to 01 ive Bay Associates to canst three-story office building to: (I) have stairway obs II 1 611 rear yard and building to obs 15' rear yard; and (2) replace the existing I\OOden retaining wall with 15' high concrete block ret wall with 42" open fence on top. 1025 01 ive Street. C-1S Zone. C-14953 NH. 3-3-78.