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Development Services

Middletown Block 80

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 80.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 8o Lot 12- Condl. Permit to S. D. Gas & Elec. Co. (C. W. Hansen) to constr 8' hi fence w/barbed wire around substation; 2568 State St, Zone "c". Case 129 4-23-54 Lots 2 & 3- Condl permit to Jim Brown & Assoc. to constr 12-unit, 2-story apt house obs 10' setback on Columbia St(average of blk 11'9") & to constr concrete blk retaining wall. 3' to 7' hi obs 4 1 setback (max 3' hi wall or fence perm) & to erect retain on side & rear PL ranging in ht from 2' to 9' w/4' hi screen blk wall on top of retain wall (6 1 above average adj ground level back of setback perm); 2545 Columbia St, Zone R-4. Case 54o5 & 5344 1-21-63 Lot 1- Permit to Rollin E. Hebel to constr 2-story, 4-unit apt bldg on parcel w/exist duplex obs O' st side yd; new apt bldg to obs O' st side yd where 10' st side yd 1s req, and obs approx ll' setback where 12' is req; 2565 Columbia St betw Maple & Laurel Sts, Zone R-4. Case 7787 7-22-66 1 Yr Ext to Exp 7-22-68 (7-22-67) No Ext. (7-22-68) Lot l- Permit to Rolin E. & Antonette R. Hebel to const a 4'x15' bedrm extension to an ex: sfd; addn to obs a 0 1 interior st sd yd and 12 1 front yard (exs dwelling obs a 0 1 st sd yd). 2565 Columbia Street. Zone R-2A. Conditions. C-15369 NH. 8-2-78,