Middletown Block 280
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 280.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 28o Lots 1- 6- Agreement 755 to Irvin J, Kahn, rep owner, to constr neon display, max ht 33', max width 19'. 3-3-52 Lots 1- 6 & ROW Lots 37 to 42- Granted D. D, Williams to conduct auto court of 24 units & cafe; E side Pacific betw Hawthorn & Ivy St. Res. 73064 1-7-41------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 1- 6- Texas Liquor Stores & Anna Borenstein (Top's) to erect 30 1 611 x 50' sign, dble-faced, SE corner of Pacific Hiway & Ivy, Condl with Agreement. Res. 8478 9-15-54-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------