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Development Services

Middletown Block 23

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 23.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 23 Lot 4- (Ord. 8924) suspended on property at 1527 Union Street- Owned by A.H. Hilton. Res. 38955 8-30-26 Lot 6- Permit to J. Spencer & Mathilda V. Strawn to make alterations (interior) to non- conforming res w/0' side yd and O' rearyd- NW corner Front & Beech. (Unnum. Lot E of & adj to Lot 6 & Sly 50' of Blk 203- Horton's Addn)________________________________________________________ Res._7513________ 6-24-53___________ Lots 1 & 2, Fence Variance, approved by SCA, Rose J. Rego sought to construct retaining wall/open fence at 1848 Titus Street, MR-1500 zone C-21175 5-12-94---------------------------------------------------------------------------