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Development Services

Middletown Block 218

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 218.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 218 Lots 8, 9 & 10- Permit to Dr, Wilbur W. Myers, Owner, & Dr. Hugh B. Norris, Lessee, to constr & operate small animal hospital located on Wly side of S.D. Ave, Nly of Bandin! St; Zone M-1. C.U.P. Case 6669 9-14-64 6 mos. ext, to exp. 11-5-65 (3-10-65)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABOVE C.U.P. Case No. 6669 APPEALED by F. P. Crowell, Atty for Mrs. Jessie Locke & appeal DENIED- action of Planning CollDDission upheld. C.U.P. Case 6669 11-6-64 6 mos. ext. to exp. 5-5-66 (10-22-65)