Middletown Block 192 Card 2
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 192 CARD 2.tif BLOCK 192 Lots 5- 12- Property owners petition for rezoning from "C" to R-4. ll-1-38------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot JI & W 20' Lot 6- Permit to Frank & Linnea Arrington to const 2-story sin fam dwell w/1 iv area on gr fir where res use must be above gr fir, & to obs O' frontyd where 15' req deck to obs II' rearyd where 15' req & result in 58% cov where 40% perm, 3702 Clark St, Zone C, cond' I. C-13427 1-2-76 Lot 4- ZA considered request of EDGAR LEROY HUXLEY to constr. first & second story addn. to consider the amended request of EDGAR LEROY HUXLEY to constr, first & second story addn. to an existing single-fam. dwelling & to: I) observe 9' front yar:d at the 1st story; 2) increase floor area ratio to.95 where.60 is permitted; 3) allow one open parking space observing a 0' front yard where 15'front yard is reqd.; 4) convert existing single-car garage into a double-car garage observing a 10' front yard where 15' front yard is reqd, at 3935 California St., Zone Rl-5000 and has Denied as requested, but APPROVED Item I, 3 & 4, subj to conds. C-19076 1/31/86----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C-19076 APPEALED to Board of Zoning Appeals on March 5, 1986, BZA granted a portion of the appeal of EDGAR LEROY f'UXLEY & MODIFIED decisbn of Aoning Administrator, to APPROVED Item No. 1 DENY Item 2 as requested, but APPROVED an increased floor area ratio of.75 where.60 is permitted; DENIED Item 3; APPROVED Item #4, subj to conds. C-19076 3/5/86