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Development Services

Middletown Block 162 Card 2

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 162 CARD 2.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 162 J; flcard ~ Lots 7 & *8 & Blk 163, Lots 4-6 & 9- Permit to Conner Dale Corp to (1) constr 2 story 11 unit apt bldg on Lots 7 & 8, Blk 162 with 8 park spaces obs 0' from property line & por of spaces to obs from 12' to 20' from curb where such spaces are req to be 18 1 from face of curb or no less than 3' from front property line; (2) to constr 16 unit, 2 story apt complex on Lots 4,5,6, & 9 Blk 163- (a) where 10 parking spaces will obs 0' from front property line where park spaces are req to be 18 1 from face of curb & no less than 3' from front property line; (b) one apt bldg to bbs 10' froat yd on Linwood St. wnere 15' is req on the SE cor of Walnut St. & State St., Zone R-4, condl tlnu_ al, 5-t,,- 7 0 C-9744 4-15-70---"-~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------