Middletown Block 135 Card 2
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 135 CARD 2.tif MIDDLErowN BLOCK 135 Por Lot 10; & 11- Perm.it to Garrett L. Prible 15' is req at State betw Thorn and Sassafras. (6 months ext granted- 12-4-56 to constr res with Cond 'L C-509 Card #2. 0' SB on State St. wbere 6-11-56 Lot 9 1 Por Lot 10- Floor Area Ratio Exception Perm.it to John R. Austad to develop property on the west side of State St, betw Sassafras and Tborn Streets, Zone R-2. t,,,"' FARP #10 12-5-73 Lot 3 (southeasterly 15 1) & all Lot 4, Map 4134R ARTELIA R. HALL 105 &q. ft. addition to observe 4'-8" front yard where 15'-0" front yard is required and to construct an 18.8 sq. ft. addition to observe a 3'-0" side yard where a 4'-0" side yard is required, located at 3331 and 3333 Columbia Street, Zone R-3000. DENIED as requested but APPROVED with conditions C-19394 1/23/87 Lot 7- ZA oENIED as requested the variance sought by Sassafras Partners, Limited t construct a duplex with underground parking garages with 20'6" between driveways where 45'0" is required between driveways serving the same premises, but APPROVED reduced space between driveways, subject to conditions, located at 302 & 304 Sassafras Street, MR-3000 zone. C-20330 9-22-89