Middletown Block 126 Card 2
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 126 CARD 2.tif MIDDLE TOWN,j I IN BLOCK 126 Oet::>;;)l./t:,-S (?'.,,,,../ #;;,._ ~ Lot 10- Permit to Frank & Carolyn Wong to const sin fam dwel I obs at clst pt 3'6" front yard where 15' frontyd is req, 3200 blk Horton Ave, Zone R-2A (LC)#204, cond'I c-13339 10-28-75------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-- Lot 8- Permit APPROVED by AZA to Albert E. Forster, J. Wesley Pry and Barbara Pry to construct bedroom addition on second and third level of existing 3-story duplex; (1) additio~ to observe 4' interior side yard where 7' is required (existing dwelling observes 3.5' int interior side yard); (2) to maintain driveway access over adjacent lot where access is required to be directly to the public right-of-way, at 3220- 3222 Horton Avenue, Zone R-2A/HR. Conditions. C-16930 NH 8-22-80 Lots 5 and 6- ZA APPROVED with conditions the variance sought by ROBERT McCORQUODALE to (1) provide one compact parking space observing a 11 10" yard where 15 1 011 is required; (2) reguild an existing, maximum 14 1 2" high deck with 3'0" high, solid railing observing a O'O" side yard where 41 0" is required for any structure exceeding 3 1 0" in height; and (3) to maintain a maximum 1'11" retaining wall with 5 1 2" solid fence on top, total of 7'1" within the 4 1 0" required side yard where a 61011 retaining wall/solid fence combination with a 3'0" 50% fence open fence on top is permitted in the required side yard, located at 1026, 1042 West Spruce Street, R-1500 zone, C-20040 09-08-88