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Development Services

Middletown Block 126

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 126.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 126 0~-S Lots 5-6- Permit to John & Aleen Woods to erect 7 living units (2 duplexes & 1 triplex) 7 gar in front, gar to obs 5' SB, includes El.y Union St closed on the W & Nly 10' of Spruce St closed on So, N side of Spruce betw Horton 8s Union. Res. 4582 4-5-50------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 5-6- Permit to John & Aleen Woods to constr single fam res w/5 1 SB (&Ely Union St closed)- 1036-42 W. Spruce St. Res. 8904 5-11-55 Lots 9 & 10- to Roy & Adel Weber to constr 12 unit 3 story apt bldg, obs 10' rear yd where 15' is req; por of open p.fl'king in front yard to obs 10' from face of curb where 18' is req in the 3200 blk Horton Ave., betw SaBSafras St. and Spruce St. Zone R-4. c-9320 6-16-69----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 9- Permit to John R. & Meredith A. French to construe. single famly. dwelling and garage; garage to obs. 2' front yrd. and single famly. dwelling to obs. 11' front yrd. where 15' is req. at 3232 Horton Ave. betw. Sassafras and Spruce St. 12'1/2' West of Horton St. Closed Zoned R-2A. Atnrni:iE:D-,jt1,,/,r,. C-13219 7-30-75---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 9- Land Conservation Pemit to John French to const house at 3222 Horton St. 201-LC 6-25-75---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 10- Land Conservation Permit to Frank Wong, Horton Ave. 204-LC 7-3-75--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot-9--~,l?ermit-- to-.Jolm- R.-J-Mered ~th A.--Fr:ench--AMENDMENT- Cd-3,-21~-- .,---._7.,,1 (I,, 76--.--.-. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------~--~-------------.--------_,._,,________-------~---------------- ~-~------- ~"-"....,--............-..................... ........--,....-