Middletown Block 11
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 11.tif 5'3 MIDDLEI'OWN BLOCK 11 Por Lot 4 & Lot I, Blk J- Horton's Addn- PERMIT to Philip P. Martin & Nicholas J. Martin, Trustees for Patrick Martin, deceased, to constr 7' hi chain link fence w/3 str barbwire, total 8' hi- 1234 Front St. Res. 6o87 12-26-51----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 19 & Por of lots 20 & 21- BZA has OVERTURNED the dcision of the ZA to APPORVE the request of GERALD R SILVA to (1) maintain a 196 sq.ft. deck, 10'6" max height above finishec grade (13'5" above preexisting grade) observing a 0 18" front yard at its closest point wheri a 15'-0" front yard is required; (2) to maintain 9 1611 of a combination retainging & free- standing wall, 8'10" max height, observing a O'O" front yard at the closest point (with an additional 56'8" of wall, 8'11" max heith, encroaching l'O" into the public right-of-way (3) to maintain 10 10" of wall, 4'6" max height, observing a O'O" street side yard at the closest point (with an additional 73' 6" wall, 2' 11" high encroaching 5 1 l" into the public right-of-way); (4) to maintain two columns 3'8" high encroaching 5 1 111 into the public right-of-way with a 4'5" high gate; (5) to maintain two portions of wall, 16'2" total length, 8 1 1011 mzx height, in the driveway visibility area where the max height permitted is 3 1 0 11 (with an additional 15 1 8" of wall, 8'11" max height, encroaching l'O" into the public right-of-way, atl817 Titus St, R-1000 zone, Middletown Add,. C-19910 6/1/88