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Development Services

Middletown Addn. Block 71

MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 71.tif ~~~~~-~TOWN ADDITION.BLOCK ii ~~- ', Lots I & 2- Permit to Donald & Jeannette 8. Cameron to (1) constr 4 units obs 1' front 5. 'J yd where 15' is req; (2) provide 6 parking spaces obs 11 front yd where 15' is req; & (3) eliminate req landscaping in req front yd- Keating St betw Torrance St (closed) &:) ~ 1i~;J~1;_s-~01~-7'1((.7-:.1~-.1.v_--~~~k~~}&:"/~~-$- Lots 1 & 2- Con/i permit to Mary K. Marshall to constr 4-unit apt bldg. w/4 1 sb on Torrance__.. Stteet, Ely corner of Keating & Torrance Streets. c-955. 1-11-57.-----------------------------------------------------------------1--------------------------- Lots I & 2- Permit to Wesley Lee Stark, Jr. to const a five-story eight unit apt bldg 1 ona lot containing 7,750 sq. ft. to obs a 10' front setback to the stairs, 6 1 side yard at the south end and a 12' side yard at the north end, a 5' rear yard at the clst pt, approx 59% lot coverage. Conditions. C-14872. 3-15-78. At Keating Street betw Torrance Street (closed and Neil Street (closed). R-3 Zone.