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Middletown Addn. Block 62

MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 62.tif.- MIDDLETOWN ADDITION BLOCK 62 ~~-s SE 19' Lot 8, all Lot 9, NWly 6 1 Lot 10 1 single fam res.- Permit to James & Angelina Bregante to build S-521 5-21-58 Lot 10, exc NWly 6 1, all Lots 11 & 12- Pe:nnit to Mildred G. Cary to maintain exist single_fam_res,_Puterbaugh_St_&_Pringle;_Zone_R-l.________ S-522_____________ 5-21-58______ Lots 13- 24 incl- Unifonn SB of 15' was estab on Torrence St. Ord. 9057 N.S. 8-13-64---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 17 & 18- Pe:nnit to Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D'Amato to remove roof converting exist sun- shade struc to Ofen walking deck & to add 19() sq ft to exist dwell result in approx 44% coverage; 1829 Tbrrence betw Mission Hills Blvd & Pringle St; Zone R-1-5. Case 7444 10-19-65-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------