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Development Services

Middletown Addn. Block 10 Card 2

MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 10 CARD 2.tif-- MIDDLETOWN ADDITION BLOCK 10 Lots 13-15 and Fracitonal Lot 1- ZA APPROVED variance amendment request of EGON AND HELEN L. WERDELMAN to complete a two-story addition to a two-story, single-family dwlg. obs. a 3'-8" rear yard at the closest point where 4' is required (currently in violation). The applicant requests amendment to (1) complete construction of a second- story addition to obs. a 31-6 11 street side yard at the closest point where 10 1 is req. (2) to maintain a 9 1 high comb. retaining wall and solid fence within 4' rear yard where a max. height of 9 1 is ~rmitted provided the top 3 1 is 50% open; (3) to construct a max. 10 1 high comb. retaining wall and open fence within the 10' street side yard where a max. height of 9'_ is permitted provided the horizontal separations are provided in compliance with design criteria. Conditions. C-20851 12/20/91