Marilou Park Block 9
MARILOU PARK BLOCK 9.tif MARILOU PARK BLOCK 9 Lot 5- Permit DENIED to Estella A, & Robt. T, Gonzales to in res, 1018 38th St. Res. 4812 APPEALED, sustained & condl permit GRANTED,, " oper beauty parlor part-time Res. 4812 7-12-50 Res. 98889 8-1-50 Lots 5,6 and 7- Permit toi0ora Rebolledo to erect approx. 70' of 4 1 high solid wood fence to obs. 0' front yard where max. 3' high fence is perm. in r~q. 15' front yard, and to obs. 0' street side yard on 38th St. where a max. 3' high fence is perm. in a req. 10' street side yard, at 3788 Broadway betw. C St. and Hilltop Qr., Zone R-H) C-11843 /AJ. 3-7-73 Lots 5,6 & 7, Block 9, Marilou Park- Permit to Dora Rebolledo for perm to maimtain a 14' x 7' front porch for exist sin fam dwell; porch obs 13' front yd where 15' is req at 3788 Broadway between C St and Hilltop Dr. Zone R-2 C-11,947 N.H. 4-20-73