Marilou Park Block 42 Card 2
MARILOU PARK BLOCK 42 CARD 2.tif MARILOU PARK BLOCK 42 Por Blk 42- Permit to Norm Pressley to erect approx 300' I' of barbed wire on top, overall height to be 7', obs O' Street and Home Avenue at 3750 Home Avenue. M-1-A Zone. e Card #2 of 6 1 high chain I ink fence withl1 fy on A Street, Ash Street, 38th Conditions. c-14233.M/3-18-77. Por Blk 42- PATRICIA L. HAMILTON- to remove existing bldg & constr a 40' x 96' bldg & pro- vide parking spaces adjacent to 38th St. property 1 ine where area shall consist of a 10' planting strip at 3850 Home Ave., Zone M-lA (suggest request be amended to include bldg to obs a 5 1 setback on "A" St. where 25 1 is reqd.- At hearing of 5/14/84 DECISION: CONTINUE, RENOTICE. C-18394