Mannasse & Schiller Block 178
MANNASSE & SCHILLER BLOCK 178.tif. ', MADASSEE &a SCHILLER BLOCK 178 Lots 43 & 44- Cond permit to Mrs, Eva Jessie Smitn to operate exist 12' x 12' antique shop at rear of res, 1821 Kearney. Res. 4412 1-25-50 Lots 43 & 44- Cond permit to Mrs, Eva Jessie Smith to convert exist bobby shop to liv unit, 3 units on lot, 8 1 access ct., 1821 Kearney. Res, 4413 1-25-50 Lot 32 & E of 33- Permit to Harry H. Kaina, own & Jimmy I. Matsuhara, partner, to operate retail & wholesale gen merchandise business, at 1867 Kearney Ave., condl Lots 32 & E of 33- Permit to Harry H. Kaino, 2 yr ext granted. 2 yr ext granted to Kaina & Matsuhara A:BOVE Res. 5514 5-2-51 own & Jimmy I. Matsubara, Res. 6619 Res. 8331 partner, A:BOVE 7-9-52 7-7-54 Lots 1-2- Permit CANCELLED- Jonn Allen Ffquested permission to erect 6 1 x 37'-6" x 9' nigh sin faced, int illum roof sign on top of 23'-6" nigh bldg witb 60+ feet of frontage on Interstate 5 (all other signs on premises to be removed) at 1802 Logan Ave.-betw Beardsley and Crosby Sta. Zone M-1. C-12023 Filed 6-4-73