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Development Services

( M ) Santees Block 19

(M) SANTEES BLOCK 19.tif (M) SANTEES BLOCK 19 Lots 1 thru 6- The ZA considered the request of Bruce Dammann, Robt. L. JaslO'W, B.P. King and Michael Stepner to construct a three-story single-family dwelling on each lot and (1) APPROVED O' interior side yard on the common side and 4 16 11 on the opposite interior side where 11' is required; (2) APPROVED dwellings on Lots 1, 2 and 3 to result in a maximum 36 height where 30' is permitted; (3) DENIED 16 sq. ft. of landscaping in front yard on lots 2-6 where minimum 150 sq.ft. is required, but APPROVED subject to revised plans increasing front yard land- scaping (4) APPROVED erecting approximately 20' of retaining wall on Lot 1 ranging in height from 3' to 9' observing observing at the closest point a O' front yard where maximum 3' wall is permitted in required 15' front yard, at North of 1421 Edgemont St., Zone R-2/HR, Conditions. case 16624 4-25-Bo >:;::..,,