L.W Kimball's Addn Block 22
L.W KIMBALL'S ADDN BLOCK 22.tif BLOCK 22 Lots 29 & 30 W 90'- SB suspension for M Ruplinger Res 37551 4/19/26 Lots 21 & 22 "'- to enclose an exist porch in front of his store at 521 25th St Wm Engler Res 44603 2/20/28 Lot 2 Nly 35' of Wly 3' & Lot 3 Nly 35'- Permit cond'l to Henrietta V Charleston to alter an existing gar under an apt at 26th & Market Sts SW cor into liv qtrs strwy 611 from prop 1 i ne SEE AGREEMENT 265 Res 503 I /13/44 N 35' Lot 3- Permit DENIED to Chris Canta to maintain exist sign painted on bldg cor Market & 26th Res 6753 9/3/52 Appeal of Chris Canta oo ABOVE Res DENIED by CC & Z C dee sust Res CC 108486 9/25/52 N 35' of Lot 3 & N 35' of W 3' Lot 2- AGREEMENT 265 to Henrietta V Charleston to alter a gar under apt into liv gtrs with a stairway 611 from prop line Res 503 1/17/44