Loma Gardens
LOMA GARDENS.tif.,.. '...,,,.. ~...... LOMA GARDENS Lot I- Permit to Avalon canopy behind SB (max 40 Z.A. Corp to constr max 100 sq ft (overall) sign on each side of sq ft sign perm) 3202 Rosecrans, R-4 Zone subj to approval by C-2426 4-10-59 Lot I- Permit to Avalon Corp to erect I sin faced, neon, constant lited 5' x 13' sign mounted on face of bldg, top 2' above roof; to advertise motel, 3202 Rosecrans St, Zone R-4, condl C-3051 1-22-60 Lot I- Permit to Avalon Corp to remodel 14 exist kitchen units in exist motel convert to 7 motel rms (total 42 rm & l mgr apt at 3202 Rosecrans betw Madrid & N. Evergreen St, R-4. C-3623 10-14-60 Lot I- Permit to Avalon Corp to erect & maint sin faced signs mounted on sin post which signs obs O' SB from Rosecrans (5 1 estab) & 5 1 SB from Evergreen St (15' estab); signs all lited as follows; one 2' x 10' changeable letter plastic sign; one 3' x 5' (Best Western) plastic sign; one 41 x 12 1 plastic Loma Lodge Sign; one exist (Motel) sign, 5' x 12 1 relocated from bldg to pole; one (AAA) sign, 2' x 3' relocated to pole- bottom of lowest sign to be 9' above ground & top of sign to be 26 1 above ground, total sign area approx 155 sq ft at 3202 Rosecrans St, Zone R-4. C-5754 & 5779 7-12-63