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Loma Alta #2 Block 29 Card 1

LOMA ALTA #2 BLOCK 29 CARD 1.tif /.-.-.,.~,.-:-~;::--;-:-::,_:-~-:,.-~-~-,..-- =""l',..,---..-.............-""""--'-~--~~ ~~~~-~~...,_,...-.~----..,.-.-....--~.-. LciNA ALTA#g Block 29- '1,[Lot 9 & 10- Permit to Clarence T. and Goldie B. Swartz to erect approx 15' of soli~ block retaining wall 7' hi on east prop line & approx 25' of 8' hi solid block retaining wall on west prop line where a 3' hi wall is perm in req 15' front yd & 6 1 hi 1n side yd; at 1+435 Temecula St betw W. Pt. Loma Blvd & Famosa Blvd, Zone R-4. Case No. 8576 (N.H,) 2-21-68---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 24- 26- Z.A. considered app of Lewis & Jeanne Sasaran to convert and add to exist gar for use as &ddnl classrm for approx 25 children for a total of 50 children; (1) to erect approx 75' of 4 1 high cedar fence obs 0 1 front yd where max 31 high fence is perm within req 15' front yd; (2) Addition a.nd converted gar to obs J.1 side yd 4' siae yd is req, at 4426 Mentone St., betw Clovis St. & W. Ft. Loma. Blvd., R-4, and has made the following decis- ion: DENIED the app as requested; APPROVED conversion of and addn to exist gar for use as an addnl cla.ssrm for approx 25 children for a total of 50 children; (1) APPROVED const of 75' of 41 high cedar fence obs 31 SB where a max 31 high fence is perm within req 15' front yd; (2) APPROVED addn & conversion of gar to obs 4' side yd where 4' side yd is req; Cond'l. Case No. 8770 8-5-68 A.rniew of a recent change of the H.C. affecting the R-2, R-3 and R-4 Zones reveals that the aboYe aaae hould not have been handled under a zone variance. Therefore, Variance Case No. 87701 railed to be null and void. A new app for Conditional Use Permit, Case No. 8851, ia being processed by the same applicant in order to comply with the legal requirements.-----------------------------------------------------------Lots 24- 2h- Z.A. considered app or Lewis & Jeanne Sa.saran to const addn to and convert exist gar to classrm tor nursery school, r.sulting in max capacity of 50 children; and to erect approx 75 1 of 4 1 high cedar fence obs i Sl;I where 3 1 high fence is perm in.t'ront 15 1 at 4426 Mentone St., betw Clovis & w. Pt. Loma Blvd., Zone R-4, and has DENIED the request for.fence, but AP.PROVED con. st. of approx 75' o. f 4'. high cedar en.ce obs 31 Si) t'llt> llt the prop line,_____.___._4-U ~ '# ~-.. t! u f